Thursday, June 3, 2010

May 2010 Guild Meeting

May has come and gone, so I am posting the news from our May Guild Meeting. We held our monthly meeting on the 20th of May at Paula's home since the community building was already booked. We had 15 members in attendance and Lucy brought the meeting to order. After the business was conducted, the name of the BOM winner was drawn. Paula won the "Wonky" Blocks and Lucy introduced our new Block. "Apron"
She handed out 3 different patterns to be used for the BOM blocks. They are to be constructed of a 12 1/2" block of white or small print pastel fabric. The aprons are to be constructed of bright vintage fabrics and "make them your own" was the statement Lucy made. Embellish to your heart's desire but if using buttons, leave them unfastened so the quilt can be assembled easier. We were told that when we finish the one block and bring it next month, we will get a packet of all the patterns given out that night as well as more of her design.
Our evening theme was "Aprons" through the ages. She brought some of her collection and shared them with us as well as the history of the apron and what they represented through the different eras of time.
Different ones of our group showed their favorite aprons and told about them. Others just told stories of their favorite memories of a person wearing one or what ever made aprons special to them.
We were given our name blocks for our "Name That Challenge" and adjourned until next month.

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