After the business portion of our meeting, we drew the name of the winner of our "Tulip" BOM blocks. The winner was Mary. Vea gave her last BOM block instructions for the year which is the "Louisiana" block. Since the other blocks for this year have to do with the garden, we are calling this block "Whirligig" since no garden should be without one. It is to be constructed of reproduction 30's fabrics in your choice of color using light, medium and dark tones.
Our last fabric exchange of deep reds were exchanged with the new year colors starting next month. It is a 6" square of your favorite bright color.
The "cookie" challenge blocks were also exchanged and everyone who participated will have a beautiful quilt/wall hanging to finish.
Our program for the night was PARTY since it was our birthday after all. We played "Pictionary:Name that Block". We divided into 2 teams and we each had a turn to help our team win a point by drawing a picture that would make our team members remember a block we had made in one of the 6 years of our guild. Then after refreshments, we played "strip" poker and each had the opportunity to win or lose 2 1/2" strips of fabric. We took home fat quarters of our choice as prizes along with our other door prizes.
The upcoming Spring Retreat will be held on the 23rd and 24th of April. Some of the activities we will be doing include, Celtic Knot Quilting, Scrappy woven place mats, needle tatting, Big Block Quilting, Fast Tote Bag and Book Covers. If none of these interest you, just bring personal projects and work on them. The food for both days will be pot luck. A list of the needed materials for the activities will be posted on our site. Be sure to let the new Presidency know which classes if any you will be attending so we can have some numbers to go by.
Next month guild meeting will be a work meeting. Bring your own project, Linus project or your scrap bag and join in on the "Slash your Stash" to get those nagging scraps under control. It should be a fun month. See you then.
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